Understand that the newest post on this blog is always stacked on top of previous posts. To understand the Tony Alamo posts you need to scroll down to the first Alamo post and then read up.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Comment from a Kool Aid drinker":
It is so sad that, when people are presented with solid evidence, they continue to deny, delude and divert...even sadder, they point the finger of blame at the truth-seekers and truth-unveilers, saying THEY'RE deluded. This happens all too often in all walks of life, in all forms of communication, etc.
To be sure, our rights are to be innocent until proven guilty, but when evidence is overwhelming and obvious, someone like the Kool-Aid Drinker ought to just stand by with mouth closed, eyes and ears open...it is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, rather than open it and remove all doubt! Bud, Mobile, AL
On this blog I have posted current news reports about Tony Alamo because he had a compound here in Alma AR before his conviction and serving time in a Federal penitentiary.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Comment from a Kool Aid drinker
I know for a fact that Rev. Alamo has been feeding and housing the homeless and poor for many years in CA., AK., TN, and NY just to name a few states and also many foreign countries. Alamo is a spritual man of the lord. These charges are only allegations which will ultimately be determined to have no merit whatsoever.
I know for a fact when Tony Alamo ran a "compound" in Alma, AR, the homeless and poor were given very stark housing and food and expected to work long slave type hours in several businesses he owned around town for no pay. The abuse of children and adults is widely documented by local television stations. It was very hard for the authorities to build a case as Tony was quick to hide behind religious freedom. Also, access to the "compound" was tightly controlled to the authorities, the public and the poor and homeless.
I know for a fact when Tony Alamo ran a "compound" in Alma, AR, the homeless and poor were given very stark housing and food and expected to work long slave type hours in several businesses he owned around town for no pay. The abuse of children and adults is widely documented by local television stations. It was very hard for the authorities to build a case as Tony was quick to hide behind religious freedom. Also, access to the "compound" was tightly controlled to the authorities, the public and the poor and homeless.
More Fireproof Reaction
A.J., this movie was fantastic! Opening night, it's gross receipts put it at #3 for the weekend Saturday morning. When my wife and I went Saturday afternoon, the 4PM showing was sold out and we barely got a 7PM seating...the theater was packed out! They even started adding additional times because of demand!
Michael Catt called our paster (they're very good friends) and marvelled at how well the movie was doing. I/we believe EVERY married couple, and every couple considering marriage, should see this movie!!!
I have to admit, the scene where the main character was trapped in a burning home, resuing a child, got to me...I am a former firefighter/Paramedic, and had a burning roof cave in on me. Just by the grace of God, my partner and I got out with minor burns...but I KNOW what it's like to be in a burning hell...even with the turnout suits, you feel like your being cooked alive.
The book, "The Love Dare" will be out soon...everyone should buy and go through it, or give it to someone, as soon as it's available. Thanks to Michael Catt and Sherwood Baptist Church for another great movie! And thank YOU, A.J., for advertising it on the blog! Bud, Mobile, AL
Michael Catt called our paster (they're very good friends) and marvelled at how well the movie was doing. I/we believe EVERY married couple, and every couple considering marriage, should see this movie!!!
I have to admit, the scene where the main character was trapped in a burning home, resuing a child, got to me...I am a former firefighter/Paramedic, and had a burning roof cave in on me. Just by the grace of God, my partner and I got out with minor burns...but I KNOW what it's like to be in a burning hell...even with the turnout suits, you feel like your being cooked alive.
The book, "The Love Dare" will be out soon...everyone should buy and go through it, or give it to someone, as soon as it's available. Thanks to Michael Catt and Sherwood Baptist Church for another great movie! And thank YOU, A.J., for advertising it on the blog! Bud, Mobile, AL
Fireproof Reaction
Thanks for drawing attention to "Fireproof". My wife works for Dayspring Cards and they actually underwrote showings in Siloam Springs and offered reduced price tickets. We saw the movie yesterday and it's a very compelling story, the acting is surprisingly good, and it's an incredible reminder of what's truly important in life. A few years ago my daughter recommended the book "The Wedding" and told me that it's a book men (and women) should read. I plan to return the favor and recommend the movie to her and my son-in-law.
Thanks for drawing attention to "Fireproof". My wife works for Dayspring Cards and they actually underwrote showings in Siloam Springs and offered reduced price tickets. We saw the movie yesterday and it's a very compelling story, the acting is surprisingly good, and it's an incredible reminder of what's truly important in life. A few years ago my daughter recommended the book "The Wedding" and told me that it's a book men (and women) should read. I plan to return the favor and recommend the movie to her and my son-in-law.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
You regular readers will know that I have been running a contest to find an Emperor Holiday comedy bit. No one has come close. However, in a new book "Clark Weber's Rock and Roll Radio" with a subtitle "The Fun Years 1955-1975" the is an audio CD included where Clark talks about "The Fun Years' and part of that is a brief discussion of "Emperor Weber". The excerpt you will hear was produced by Mark Century and syndicated around the country. This is one of the very early episodes. There was one exactly like this except the name was changed to Emperor Holiday and the task was to invade Oklahoma to take over the oil wells. (a great idea even today). Casey Kasem was the voice of Lt. Cavindhish.
I strongly recommend this book. It is coffee table book size and is a great conversation piece. Their are plenty of great pictures and the type is very large.... (I'm sure for us old folks) I really suggest this book for anyone interested in rock and roll radio from the inside.
I got mine through Amazon but I'm sure you can get if from you favorite bookseller.
Play the clip in the player on top to the right.
I strongly recommend this book. It is coffee table book size and is a great conversation piece. Their are plenty of great pictures and the type is very large.... (I'm sure for us old folks) I really suggest this book for anyone interested in rock and roll radio from the inside.
I got mine through Amazon but I'm sure you can get if from you favorite bookseller.
Play the clip in the player on top to the right.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I don't even want to talk about the Razorback Game
I have made an "Emperor" find. It's not what I was looking for but anything is better than nothing.
Tony ALamo Comment
Crime News has left a new comment on your post "Tony Alamo, Alma & Foulke AR":
Yesterday, FBI Special Agents arrested Bernie Hoffman, also known as Tony Alamo in Flagstaff, Arizona. A federal Arrest Warrant was issued for Alamo by United States Magistrate Barry A. Bryant in the Western District of Arkansas for violating United States Code Title 18, Section 2423. This statute is defined as knowingly transporting a minor (under 18) across state lines with the intent to engage in sexual activity. If convicted of the alleged crime, Alamo could be imprisoned for 5 to 30 years.
Yesterday, FBI Special Agents arrested Bernie Hoffman, also known as Tony Alamo in Flagstaff, Arizona. A federal Arrest Warrant was issued for Alamo by United States Magistrate Barry A. Bryant in the Western District of Arkansas for violating United States Code Title 18, Section 2423. This statute is defined as knowingly transporting a minor (under 18) across state lines with the intent to engage in sexual activity. If convicted of the alleged crime, Alamo could be imprisoned for 5 to 30 years.
Friday, September 26, 2008
XM Radio Salutes WTOD
Remember if you don't have an XRM radio it is available on the web.
Sonic Sound Salutes
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
WTOD Toledo, OH 15-60 AM From ?The City of Glass? salute the Bowsher HS Rebels, The Swanton Bull Dogs. Cruise the White Hut and hear local bands The Mods, The Sting Rays and the Rogues. Toledo?s HIT Music station, AM 15-60, WTOD
Sonic Sound Salutes
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
WTOD Toledo, OH 15-60 AM From ?The City of Glass? salute the Bowsher HS Rebels, The Swanton Bull Dogs. Cruise the White Hut and hear local bands The Mods, The Sting Rays and the Rogues. Toledo?s HIT Music station, AM 15-60, WTOD
New Beaker Street Aircheck
This is part 1 of Clyde Clifford Beaker Street 4-3-71 Pt.1. Top Player on right.
More Tony Alamo
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tony Alamo arrested in Arizona":
Interesting article from KDKA: http://kdka.com/national/Tony.Alamo.arrested.2.825859.html
...and he'll be tried in Arkansas.
Interesting article from KDKA: http://kdka.com/national/Tony.Alamo.arrested.2.825859.html
...and he'll be tried in Arkansas.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Beaker Street, Clyde Clifford Aircheck
On the right is a new player with a new Beaker Street aircheck. Sorry the quality is so poor. It was obviously recorded off the air, probably with a mike stuck in front of a speaker. I may eventually replace all the podomatic airchecks with this system.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tony Alamo
Vdog write: My comment about Tony Alamo that has to do with KAAY is he has bought airtime from 1-2AM weeknights in the overnight hours.
I also want to chime in on the country music. Its been stated in a previous blog that its not the country music that keeps KSSN #1, its Bob Robbins. Also stated before back in the day, the biggest competition for KAAY was Brother Hal at KLRA.
Currently in the ratings, KKPT (The Point 94.1) is nipping on KSSN's heels to be the #1 overall station. Also the current home of Beaker Street.
My point is this, its still the people that make or break a radio station.
Many thanks for the comment. I did not know Tony Alamo had bought time on KAAY but I am not surprised. I am sure he used several 50,000 watt stations and probably TV.
He is a master at working the media. I question his claim to a million hits on his website, however, I am sure it is high traffic. It takes a cult leader like Alamo to turn the worst possible publicity and turn it into something that will benefit him.
You are also right on target with the country comments. Brother Hal played country music but it is the personality that gave us fits. I remember great celebration at KAAY when I beat him in one 15 minute segment in AM drive. It only happened in one book. You are right to about Bob Robbins. It doesn't matter what music he plays, he is the hoss.
I also want to chime in on the country music. Its been stated in a previous blog that its not the country music that keeps KSSN #1, its Bob Robbins. Also stated before back in the day, the biggest competition for KAAY was Brother Hal at KLRA.
Currently in the ratings, KKPT (The Point 94.1) is nipping on KSSN's heels to be the #1 overall station. Also the current home of Beaker Street.
My point is this, its still the people that make or break a radio station.
Many thanks for the comment. I did not know Tony Alamo had bought time on KAAY but I am not surprised. I am sure he used several 50,000 watt stations and probably TV.
He is a master at working the media. I question his claim to a million hits on his website, however, I am sure it is high traffic. It takes a cult leader like Alamo to turn the worst possible publicity and turn it into something that will benefit him.
You are also right on target with the country comments. Brother Hal played country music but it is the personality that gave us fits. I remember great celebration at KAAY when I beat him in one 15 minute segment in AM drive. It only happened in one book. You are right to about Bob Robbins. It doesn't matter what music he plays, he is the hoss.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tony Alamo, Alma & Foulke AR
Again not much to do with KAAY. However, Tony Alamo has made international news. Tony's first "compound" was in Alma AR. Actually Dyer, AR which is like a suburb or Alma. Tony was long gone by the time I moved to Alma. The state and feds shut down the Alma businesses and the Dyer compound and sent Tony to jail. I believe he served his time in a federal pen in Texarkana. This may account for the location of Foulke, AR being chosen for the his new headquarters. (It's near Texarkana). Read previous posts about "the Foulke Monster" on this blog. (use upper left search box and search this blog) There is the KAAY connection. Once again, the fine folks of Foulke make the news. Who knows maybe even ANOTHER movie. (there were two movies about the Foulke monster) (The camera techniques are similar to Blair Witch Project)(Foulke monster movies are available from Netflix)
Back to Tony Alamo. If you haven't heard the Foulke location was raided by state and federal officials and 6 children were taken into protective custody. Tony was in California at the time where he seems to spend a lot of time.
Back to Tony Alamo. If you haven't heard the Foulke location was raided by state and federal officials and 6 children were taken into protective custody. Tony was in California at the time where he seems to spend a lot of time.
Country and Western music comment
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Gazmik has left a new comment on your post "Music ...":
If you need a little more "western" in your country and have fun with it as well, catch the group "Riders In The Sky"...they've been around for 30+ years now and are a hoot to watch and listen to! I caught them on Crook and Chase this past weekend.
I grew up on rock & roll, but listen to a little country from time to time..."99 Lite" (another "slogan station") WMXC plays a lot of cross-over music.
I enjoy comedy, so I always enjoyed the likes of Ray Stevens and Justin Wilson.
Fom time to time, CMT airs the program, "Crossroads"; I happened to catch Allison Krause and Union Station one evening and really enjoyed that music.
Otherwise, I'm a talk radio type of person.
If you need a little more "western" in your country and have fun with it as well, catch the group "Riders In The Sky"...they've been around for 30+ years now and are a hoot to watch and listen to! I caught them on Crook and Chase this past weekend.
I grew up on rock & roll, but listen to a little country from time to time..."99 Lite" (another "slogan station") WMXC plays a lot of cross-over music.
I enjoy comedy, so I always enjoyed the likes of Ray Stevens and Justin Wilson.
Fom time to time, CMT airs the program, "Crossroads"; I happened to catch Allison Krause and Union Station one evening and really enjoyed that music.
Otherwise, I'm a talk radio type of person.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Gazmik has left a new comment on your post "Music I Grew Up With":
What do you think of the country music now compared to the country before the impact of people like Graham Parsons and Emmylou Harris and their country rock influence?
When I was a youngster, my parents listened to Johnny Cash, Hank Williams (not Junior), Pasty Cline, Skeeter Davis and the Davis Sisters, Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers, etc. But now, I feel like country is totally different, and maybe a little bit sappy and over-commercialized.
Without a doubt country music today is yesterday's rock and roll. This is why the country market is so big. If the record companies would look at sales in country and gospel music they would find large increases while the rap hip hop or whatever it is, is down. True, country music has changed. It used to be called country and western. There was also blue grass.
I personally like a lot of today's country. And I like it because of the mass audience it is attracting. Even among the kids you will find country fans.
At KAAY we always played a lot of "cross-over" country songs. The strangest crossover song I remember was Tex Ritter's Hillbilly Heaven. Do a search in the upper left window and search tis blog for Hillbilly Heaven. There is an mp3 file of this song.
Something I didn't realize until lately: John Ritter was Tex Ritter's son.
What do you think of the country music now compared to the country before the impact of people like Graham Parsons and Emmylou Harris and their country rock influence?
When I was a youngster, my parents listened to Johnny Cash, Hank Williams (not Junior), Pasty Cline, Skeeter Davis and the Davis Sisters, Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers, etc. But now, I feel like country is totally different, and maybe a little bit sappy and over-commercialized.
Without a doubt country music today is yesterday's rock and roll. This is why the country market is so big. If the record companies would look at sales in country and gospel music they would find large increases while the rap hip hop or whatever it is, is down. True, country music has changed. It used to be called country and western. There was also blue grass.
I personally like a lot of today's country. And I like it because of the mass audience it is attracting. Even among the kids you will find country fans.
At KAAY we always played a lot of "cross-over" country songs. The strangest crossover song I remember was Tex Ritter's Hillbilly Heaven. Do a search in the upper left window and search tis blog for Hillbilly Heaven. There is an mp3 file of this song.
Something I didn't realize until lately: John Ritter was Tex Ritter's son.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
iPod Cimment from reader
Which iPod is that? Is it the Touch, or is it the Nano with the 8 or 16 gig of memory?
The Touch, I'm not impressed with. My girlfriend has one, and everything is done using the touch screen. It's not very convenient for walking, biking or other activities. To do things like change the volume or skip to the next track you must look at the display. And if you don't hit the volume just right, you can have it suddenly jump to full volume!
My biggest complaint against all Apple hand held devices is the battery. It is not consumer replaceable. When the rechargeable battery goes, you have to send it in to Apple. The send you another device that they have replaced the battery in already. That means all your songs are lost forever. Hope you have them backed up.
The Touch, I'm not impressed with. My girlfriend has one, and everything is done using the touch screen. It's not very convenient for walking, biking or other activities. To do things like change the volume or skip to the next track you must look at the display. And if you don't hit the volume just right, you can have it suddenly jump to full volume!
My biggest complaint against all Apple hand held devices is the battery. It is not consumer replaceable. When the rechargeable battery goes, you have to send it in to Apple. The send you another device that they have replaced the battery in already. That means all your songs are lost forever. Hope you have them backed up.
AM Car Radios
Thanks Bud for this comment:
"It's been years since car radios that had a decent AM chip. Remember how good the old AM only car radios sounded."
Yes, I remember...in fact, if you have an older vehicle, there is someone who does resoration on those older classic radios! See here: http://www.bobsradio.com/
Bob will go completely through the radio, replacing old capacitors and out-of-tolerance resistors and other parts, plus all the essential things to make it like new again. The newer, later parts have higher ratings and tighter tolerances for better performance. He can even convert an AM radio to AM/FM without altering the appearance of the radio.
Also, there is a gospel station here in Mobile that is still operating AM stereo. Needless to say, I think the industry, in all their "infinite intelligence", tried to sanction the harder-to-use C-QUAM rather than the better Kahn AM stereo system. Bud, Mobile, AL
"It's been years since car radios that had a decent AM chip. Remember how good the old AM only car radios sounded."
Yes, I remember...in fact, if you have an older vehicle, there is someone who does resoration on those older classic radios! See here: http://www.bobsradio.com/
Bob will go completely through the radio, replacing old capacitors and out-of-tolerance resistors and other parts, plus all the essential things to make it like new again. The newer, later parts have higher ratings and tighter tolerances for better performance. He can even convert an AM radio to AM/FM without altering the appearance of the radio.
Also, there is a gospel station here in Mobile that is still operating AM stereo. Needless to say, I think the industry, in all their "infinite intelligence", tried to sanction the harder-to-use C-QUAM rather than the better Kahn AM stereo system. Bud, Mobile, AL
Music I Grew Up With
Gazmik has left a new comment on your post "No Winner Weekend":
Have you ever posted anything on the music that you listened to growing up that may have influenced your move into radio as a career?.............................................................................
No I haven't and thanks for giving me a new direction.
First, it seems like I was always in radio. As a kid, my uncle Dan Winn was chief engineer for KARK (AM in Little Rock) He would take me to the studios on Saturday morning. He would rummage through his desk and find all kinds of great trinkets. RCA pencils and stuff. He was also the sound engineer for Robinson Auditorium and had two seats front row balcony.(permanent complimentary) He would often take me to concerts that passed through. I remember going every year to The Four Freshman. While I was in high school I got a part time job at KBBA in Benton AR. THe station was day parted to play all kinds of music. The last hour of the day (in the winter that would be 4-5PM since it was a daytimer) the station played R & B. That was my early exposure to rock and roll. The early Coasters, I really remember. To work there, though you had to have a knowledge of country, since they played an hour of country. It was a great time to grow up. I learned to appreciate big band, jazz & folk. To this day, I still enjoy going back to mid 50s music. As rock and roll and Elvis came of age, I got a job in Little Rock at a single format top 40 station, still a daytimer. Finally, I made it to the big time KXLR which was 5000 watt full time. Until KAAY came to the market, no one thought of going 24 hours. I have programed or managed top 40, rock and roll, country, black and disco. And I still like it all even some of the disco. If I were in radio today, it would probably be talk or country.
Have you ever posted anything on the music that you listened to growing up that may have influenced your move into radio as a career?.............................................................................
No I haven't and thanks for giving me a new direction.
First, it seems like I was always in radio. As a kid, my uncle Dan Winn was chief engineer for KARK (AM in Little Rock) He would take me to the studios on Saturday morning. He would rummage through his desk and find all kinds of great trinkets. RCA pencils and stuff. He was also the sound engineer for Robinson Auditorium and had two seats front row balcony.(permanent complimentary) He would often take me to concerts that passed through. I remember going every year to The Four Freshman. While I was in high school I got a part time job at KBBA in Benton AR. THe station was day parted to play all kinds of music. The last hour of the day (in the winter that would be 4-5PM since it was a daytimer) the station played R & B. That was my early exposure to rock and roll. The early Coasters, I really remember. To work there, though you had to have a knowledge of country, since they played an hour of country. It was a great time to grow up. I learned to appreciate big band, jazz & folk. To this day, I still enjoy going back to mid 50s music. As rock and roll and Elvis came of age, I got a job in Little Rock at a single format top 40 station, still a daytimer. Finally, I made it to the big time KXLR which was 5000 watt full time. Until KAAY came to the market, no one thought of going 24 hours. I have programed or managed top 40, rock and roll, country, black and disco. And I still like it all even some of the disco. If I were in radio today, it would probably be talk or country.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
No Winner Weekend
All my teams lost this weekend. Starting with the Razorbacks. What can I say?
Alma, and Van Buren also lost. What can I day? If I sound depressed I am. I need someone to leave a comment and change the subject. Clark Webber of WLS has a book which I have ordered. Mainly because he has a chapter on the WLS -WCFL wars. Many hard back radio books have been out of print for a while and some sell for premium prices.
Alma, and Van Buren also lost. What can I day? If I sound depressed I am. I need someone to leave a comment and change the subject. Clark Webber of WLS has a book which I have ordered. Mainly because he has a chapter on the WLS -WCFL wars. Many hard back radio books have been out of print for a while and some sell for premium prices.
Joe Walsh
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Concert Ticket Prices":
Here is a link of Joe Walsh on the air with his vintage Collins 20V3 transmitter, AM mode:
make sure your speakers are turned on! Bud, Mobile, AL
Here is a link of Joe Walsh on the air with his vintage Collins 20V3 transmitter, AM mode:
make sure your speakers are turned on! Bud, Mobile, AL
Friday, September 19, 2008
XM Salutes WLS
WLS Chicago, IL The BIG 89 Hear DJ's Ron Riley, Clark Weber, Larry Lujak, Dick Biondi, and Art Roberts. Catch the Big 89 WLS Sock Hop this Friday night! And we countdown the Silver Dollar Survey (starts 3PM Central time and goes til 7)
F.C.C., Sirius, & X.M.
First a comment:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Interesting XM-Sirius Article":
Interesting, that shares have dropped. I've been exposed to Sirius through sales when I was at a local heavy-duty truck dealership and sold quite a few units...never had any exposure to XM. However, with Dish Network, we have Sirius music, as well as Dish's regular music channels- a waste of space, in my opinion, since they play the same stuff. Nonetheless, Howard Stern, nor Oprah Winfrey, would NOT be the reason for me to buy into either service, nor invest my hard-earned dollars in either of their payrolls.
I have also been of the mind that, if it's in the airspace, we should be able to receive it. But, according to law, we cannot freely unscramble or otherwise decrypt a signal, so, other than satellite TV, I have not subscribed to anything digitized ...and all the time I'm on the road, I scan on AM radio or operate Ham radio. Bud, Mobile, AL
When I was a kid, I bought the line from the FCC that the airwaves belonged to the public. As I got into radio, I bought the line, that stations were granted license to broadcast in the public interest. Stations owned their equipment but did not "own" the license. There stations had a very minimal filing fee.
Today the FCC has discovered there is big money in the public airwaves. I guess we the public no longer own the airwaves. The FCC auctions off frequencies, charges for satellite spectrum and the latest money grab is the changing from analog to digital as mandated by the FCC. Commercial TV rolled over and invested billions in updating equipment. The FCC has already auctioned off the low channel analog frequencies for BILLIONS of dollars. There is no question HD is better. I bought into the hype. Why not let the market drive the evolution to HD. If it is so good the public will buy into it.
Thank God the FCC never mandidated AM stereo. Despite the FCC hopes that AM radio would go away, last time I checked AM stations in several major markets were close to the top in the rating heap. Will HD radio suceed?
I just bought a new car radio that plays SD cards, USB cards, has an ipod input jack, mp3 CD and regular CD, and it has AM & FM. The AM is rather poor.
It's been years since car radios that had a decent AM chip. Remember how good the old AM only car radios sounded.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Interesting XM-Sirius Article":
Interesting, that shares have dropped. I've been exposed to Sirius through sales when I was at a local heavy-duty truck dealership and sold quite a few units...never had any exposure to XM. However, with Dish Network, we have Sirius music, as well as Dish's regular music channels- a waste of space, in my opinion, since they play the same stuff. Nonetheless, Howard Stern, nor Oprah Winfrey, would NOT be the reason for me to buy into either service, nor invest my hard-earned dollars in either of their payrolls.
I have also been of the mind that, if it's in the airspace, we should be able to receive it. But, according to law, we cannot freely unscramble or otherwise decrypt a signal, so, other than satellite TV, I have not subscribed to anything digitized ...and all the time I'm on the road, I scan on AM radio or operate Ham radio. Bud, Mobile, AL
When I was a kid, I bought the line from the FCC that the airwaves belonged to the public. As I got into radio, I bought the line, that stations were granted license to broadcast in the public interest. Stations owned their equipment but did not "own" the license. There stations had a very minimal filing fee.
Today the FCC has discovered there is big money in the public airwaves. I guess we the public no longer own the airwaves. The FCC auctions off frequencies, charges for satellite spectrum and the latest money grab is the changing from analog to digital as mandated by the FCC. Commercial TV rolled over and invested billions in updating equipment. The FCC has already auctioned off the low channel analog frequencies for BILLIONS of dollars. There is no question HD is better. I bought into the hype. Why not let the market drive the evolution to HD. If it is so good the public will buy into it.
Thank God the FCC never mandidated AM stereo. Despite the FCC hopes that AM radio would go away, last time I checked AM stations in several major markets were close to the top in the rating heap. Will HD radio suceed?
I just bought a new car radio that plays SD cards, USB cards, has an ipod input jack, mp3 CD and regular CD, and it has AM & FM. The AM is rather poor.
It's been years since car radios that had a decent AM chip. Remember how good the old AM only car radios sounded.
New from Apple
I was looking at the new iPod from Apple only to discover that they have opened a retail store in China but when you "select your state" from their list, Arkansas is not even listed.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Nothing to do with KAAY
Nothing to do with KAAY, except I did a short voice track for the opening.
Blake has done a concert at my Chruch and is really great.
Blake has done a concert at my Chruch and is really great.
More Concerts
Aren't comp tickets great? I got to see Bonnie Raitt at Red Rocks in Colorado with tickets from JVC. Bruce Hornsby opened for her, and she brought her father John out to do a couple of songs with her.
I saw the Voodoo Lounge tour at Soldier Field in Chicago. We didn't have tickets so we went to the ticket office at the gate and didn't have any choice in the tickets that we bought.
I saw the Voodoo Lounge tour at Soldier Field in Chicago. We didn't have tickets so we went to the ticket office at the gate and didn't have any choice in the tickets that we bought.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Well, TicketMaster was always the one that was used around here when the "Three Stooges", a.k.a. the prosecuted city commisioners were running things, before and after they were sent to prison. Bud, Mobile, AL
More Concert Memories
Gazmik has left a new comment on your post "This is your blog and your comments are necessary":
Wasn't JAM a concert promoter?
I don't remember too many ticket prices. But, on my wages back in the 70s, I didn't have too much of a problem buying them. I saw bands like the Grateful Dead, Styx, Angel, Heart, AC/DC, Cheap Trick, Nazareth, UFO, Rush, and Frank Zappa back then.
Then in the 80s, I always liked going to First Avenue to see bands. I don't think I paid more than $10 there. And I got to see Leon Redbone there.
I think that the highest price I paid for tickets was to see Paul McCartney or the Rolling Stones in the 90s. If I remember right, it cost me around $35 to see Van Morrison (John Lee Hooker opened for him). And it was fairly reasonable to see Boz Scaggs and Taj Mahal at the Minnesota Zoo.
The first concert I remember was when I was young when my parents took me to a George Jones/Tammy Wynette concert.
Wasn't JAM a concert promoter?
I don't remember too many ticket prices. But, on my wages back in the 70s, I didn't have too much of a problem buying them. I saw bands like the Grateful Dead, Styx, Angel, Heart, AC/DC, Cheap Trick, Nazareth, UFO, Rush, and Frank Zappa back then.
Then in the 80s, I always liked going to First Avenue to see bands. I don't think I paid more than $10 there. And I got to see Leon Redbone there.
I think that the highest price I paid for tickets was to see Paul McCartney or the Rolling Stones in the 90s. If I remember right, it cost me around $35 to see Van Morrison (John Lee Hooker opened for him). And it was fairly reasonable to see Boz Scaggs and Taj Mahal at the Minnesota Zoo.
The first concert I remember was when I was young when my parents took me to a George Jones/Tammy Wynette concert.
Concert Memories
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This is your blog and your comments are necessary":
This is one area of my life where my memory doesn't serve me well. I guess it is because I didn't attend that many concerts, and when I did, it was usually with tickets from the radio station where I was working at the time. In Pine Bluff, I saw Steve Martin, Barbara Mandrell and the Statler Brothers, Willie Nelson and others. In Little Rock, it was the Rolling Stones, Joe Cocker, and others. The price that sticks in my mind is in the $10-12 range, but even that is fuzzy. I do remember that a friend of mine (who I voiced commercials for in Arkadelphia on the radio) gave me and my wife two tickets to the Voodoo Lounge concert at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock. That was the Rolling Stones (with Bryan Adams opening) in 1995. The tickets were $95 EACH. If we had not received those free tickets, I can assure you we would not have attended.
Richard Robinson
This is one area of my life where my memory doesn't serve me well. I guess it is because I didn't attend that many concerts, and when I did, it was usually with tickets from the radio station where I was working at the time. In Pine Bluff, I saw Steve Martin, Barbara Mandrell and the Statler Brothers, Willie Nelson and others. In Little Rock, it was the Rolling Stones, Joe Cocker, and others. The price that sticks in my mind is in the $10-12 range, but even that is fuzzy. I do remember that a friend of mine (who I voiced commercials for in Arkadelphia on the radio) gave me and my wife two tickets to the Voodoo Lounge concert at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock. That was the Rolling Stones (with Bryan Adams opening) in 1995. The tickets were $95 EACH. If we had not received those free tickets, I can assure you we would not have attended.
Richard Robinson
This is your blog and your comments are necessary
What are some of the concerts and ticket prices you remember?
What are some of the show promoters you remember like Beaver Productions and Carousel Attractions?
What are some of the show promoters you remember like Beaver Productions and Carousel Attractions?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Concert Ticket Prices
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What are your memories of Ticket Prices?":
Emerson, Lake and Palmer and The Eagles with Joe Walsh (who is, incidentally, a Ham radio operator, WB6ACU) were two memorable concerts I really remember here in Mobile, AL...back in the mid- to late-'70's, ticket prices were $5 general admission, $7 "down front". There were other concerts as well and I went to a lot of them, BUT, the city commissioners who took turns running what was back then the Municipal Auditorium, were busted and sent to prison for "misappropriation of funds"...in other words, they were stealing from the coffers of the auditorium and shorting pay to the bands coming here!
Needless to say, many acts went to Pensacola, FL and Biloxi, MS for a long time. Even at that driving distance, one could take $20, buy a ticket, pay for gas both ways and buy a burger and shake.
Here is a link to Joe walsh and a small sampling of his antique Ham Gear: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wb6acu.png.
I spent a lot of money going to concerts...even still have a T-shirt or two...one memorable shirt is from Journey. It's a jersey with a tower, with lightening bolts emitting from it and "JRNY" in big letters on the tower, like a radio station. I have another Journey T-shirt in radio motif, and I have both (hopefully) safely stored away.
BTW, WABB here in Mobile is sponsoring Bayfest has gone retro in their announcing the event, sounding a LOT live Beaver Productions!
Bud, Mobile, AL
Emerson, Lake and Palmer and The Eagles with Joe Walsh (who is, incidentally, a Ham radio operator, WB6ACU) were two memorable concerts I really remember here in Mobile, AL...back in the mid- to late-'70's, ticket prices were $5 general admission, $7 "down front". There were other concerts as well and I went to a lot of them, BUT, the city commissioners who took turns running what was back then the Municipal Auditorium, were busted and sent to prison for "misappropriation of funds"...in other words, they were stealing from the coffers of the auditorium and shorting pay to the bands coming here!
Needless to say, many acts went to Pensacola, FL and Biloxi, MS for a long time. Even at that driving distance, one could take $20, buy a ticket, pay for gas both ways and buy a burger and shake.
Here is a link to Joe walsh and a small sampling of his antique Ham Gear: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wb6acu.png.
I spent a lot of money going to concerts...even still have a T-shirt or two...one memorable shirt is from Journey. It's a jersey with a tower, with lightening bolts emitting from it and "JRNY" in big letters on the tower, like a radio station. I have another Journey T-shirt in radio motif, and I have both (hopefully) safely stored away.
BTW, WABB here in Mobile is sponsoring Bayfest has gone retro in their announcing the event, sounding a LOT live Beaver Productions!
Bud, Mobile, AL
A Mike McCormick Heard From
I was at KAAY in 1964 as a newsman working for B. Bruce Jenkins. My air name was Michael J. McCormack.
I came to Little Rock radio from KSTT in the Quad Cities (Davenport, Iowa, Moline, IL etc.)
and stayed about 7 months before getting an offer to go with KILT in Houston, TX.
I have fond memories of my time there and knowing so many talented people. For awhile I shared an apartment with Rob Robbins (Don Hayes of Basrop, LA.) We used to fly over to Salisaw, OK to see his girlfriend, Vicki Sallee. They later married for better or worse.
Best wishes,
Jack R. Rader
I came to Little Rock radio from KSTT in the Quad Cities (Davenport, Iowa, Moline, IL etc.)
and stayed about 7 months before getting an offer to go with KILT in Houston, TX.
I have fond memories of my time there and knowing so many talented people. For awhile I shared an apartment with Rob Robbins (Don Hayes of Basrop, LA.) We used to fly over to Salisaw, OK to see his girlfriend, Vicki Sallee. They later married for better or worse.
Best wishes,
Jack R. Rader
Monday, September 15, 2008
What are your memories of Ticket Prices?
What acts and ticket prices do you remember?
What do you think of ticket prices today?
Click on the word "comments" in the line below this post and leave your comments.
What do you think of ticket prices today?
Click on the word "comments" in the line below this post and leave your comments.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
TIcket Prices
Scott Reed has left a new comment on your post "Yet another KAAY Clyde Clifford Beaker Street":
I lived in St. Louis in the early 70s and the price for concerts was generally $3, $4, and $5. Of course record albums were selling for about $3-4 then too.
I remember by the mid 70s tickets went to $4, 5, and 6.
Also in 1976, they held the first Superjam at the old Busch Stadium. I think tickets were something like $12 for a 5 group lineup.
What do you think? Are concert ticket prices today out of line?
Leave a comment.
I lived in St. Louis in the early 70s and the price for concerts was generally $3, $4, and $5. Of course record albums were selling for about $3-4 then too.
I remember by the mid 70s tickets went to $4, 5, and 6.
Also in 1976, they held the first Superjam at the old Busch Stadium. I think tickets were something like $12 for a 5 group lineup.
What do you think? Are concert ticket prices today out of line?
Leave a comment.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Yet another KAAY Clyde Clifford Beaker Street
This aircheck is much better than the previous Beaker Street aircheck. In this one you will actually hear Clyde talk. Something missing in the last one. It starts coming out of a newscast with the show open.
Also interesting in this aircheck is a spot for a Rare Earth concert at Barton Coliseum, Aug 19th, 1971. Tickets are $4 in advance $5 at the door. Can you believe it. How many of you were alive when concerts were this cheap?
Parts of this aircheck are scoped and at the end George Jennings apparently did a rare late night DJ segment. He introduces the days lineup starting with Doc Holiday. This would have been Ray Brown a/k/a Doc Holiday. My guess is George is the only one they could find to cover that shift for some reason.
Be sure the player shows 8-14-1971 in the window:

Also interesting in this aircheck is a spot for a Rare Earth concert at Barton Coliseum, Aug 19th, 1971. Tickets are $4 in advance $5 at the door. Can you believe it. How many of you were alive when concerts were this cheap?
Parts of this aircheck are scoped and at the end George Jennings apparently did a rare late night DJ segment. He introduces the days lineup starting with Doc Holiday. This would have been Ray Brown a/k/a Doc Holiday. My guess is George is the only one they could find to cover that shift for some reason.
Be sure the player shows 8-14-1971 in the window:
Friday, September 12, 2008
Xm Saultes WFUN
Sonic Sound Salutes WFUN in Miami, FL
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
60's on 6 "Sonic Sound Salutes" continue as we re-create great 60's radio stations across America. Terry " Motormouth" Young transforms the 60's on 6 into these great stations every Friday with their original jingles, DJs, and local happenings. This week, tune in for WFUN in Miami, FL. 60's on 6, The way it was, is the way it is.
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
60's on 6 "Sonic Sound Salutes" continue as we re-create great 60's radio stations across America. Terry " Motormouth" Young transforms the 60's on 6 into these great stations every Friday with their original jingles, DJs, and local happenings. This week, tune in for WFUN in Miami, FL. 60's on 6, The way it was, is the way it is.
Pigs....how can I work lipstick into this
When Frank Broyles was building the Razorback program, they gave broadcast rights to any station that would pay the line charges and carry the games. . In Little Rock all but one or two stations would carry them.
As the Razorbacks became more and more successful broadcast rights became a revenue producer and Frank quickly forgot who brought him to the dance.
Now television is the big cash cow. Witness this from ESPN:
The Southeastern Conference has signed a 15-year deal with ESPN reportedly worth more than $2 billion to televise sporting events, including football and men's and women's basketball.
The agreement announced Monday is the longest ESPN has ever signed and matches the length of the powerhouse league's deal with CBS earlier in August.
"This agreement makes the SEC the most widely distributed conference in the country," said SEC Commissioner Mike Slive. He declined to disclose financial terms.
"The bottom line here is that fans of SEC football will have more access to games and better distribution than they ever have in the past," Slive added.
The deal begins with the 2009-10 season and ends the league's look into starting a network to carry its sporting events.
ESPN will have rights to every SEC home football game not on the network package and all league matchups will be shown on some outlet, including at least 20 a year on ESPN or ESPN2. That includes two primetime Thursday night matchups and Saturday night games.
"We're thrilled with the historic nature of this deal," ESPN executive vice president John Skipper said, adding that college sports have been "part of our DNA" for nearly 30 years. "It's not hard to figure why we'd want to be involved with it, given the quality of SEC sports, for 15 more years."
Alabama coach Nick Saban said the league's exposure nationally helps in recruiting and image.
"One of the reasons that this league has developed into one of the top leagues in the country is because we have tremendous exposure," Saban said. "I think we had the best exposure from a TV standpoint in our last contract and this one is only going to enhance it more."
The new deal will also add a second and third night of SEC basketball coverage on ESPN and ESPN2 each week. ABC will add two nationally televised regular-season hoops games and broadcast the SEC tournament semifinals and championship game.
ESPN's various outlets will carry more than 5,500 SEC events over the 15-year period, including league championships in women's basketball, baseball, softball and gymnastics.
The deal will end the SEC's affiliation with Raycom Sports, which has aired basketball since 1986 and SEC football since 1992.
As the Razorbacks became more and more successful broadcast rights became a revenue producer and Frank quickly forgot who brought him to the dance.
Now television is the big cash cow. Witness this from ESPN:
The Southeastern Conference has signed a 15-year deal with ESPN reportedly worth more than $2 billion to televise sporting events, including football and men's and women's basketball.
The agreement announced Monday is the longest ESPN has ever signed and matches the length of the powerhouse league's deal with CBS earlier in August.
"This agreement makes the SEC the most widely distributed conference in the country," said SEC Commissioner Mike Slive. He declined to disclose financial terms.
"The bottom line here is that fans of SEC football will have more access to games and better distribution than they ever have in the past," Slive added.
The deal begins with the 2009-10 season and ends the league's look into starting a network to carry its sporting events.
ESPN will have rights to every SEC home football game not on the network package and all league matchups will be shown on some outlet, including at least 20 a year on ESPN or ESPN2. That includes two primetime Thursday night matchups and Saturday night games.
"We're thrilled with the historic nature of this deal," ESPN executive vice president John Skipper said, adding that college sports have been "part of our DNA" for nearly 30 years. "It's not hard to figure why we'd want to be involved with it, given the quality of SEC sports, for 15 more years."
Alabama coach Nick Saban said the league's exposure nationally helps in recruiting and image.
"One of the reasons that this league has developed into one of the top leagues in the country is because we have tremendous exposure," Saban said. "I think we had the best exposure from a TV standpoint in our last contract and this one is only going to enhance it more."
The new deal will also add a second and third night of SEC basketball coverage on ESPN and ESPN2 each week. ABC will add two nationally televised regular-season hoops games and broadcast the SEC tournament semifinals and championship game.
ESPN's various outlets will carry more than 5,500 SEC events over the 15-year period, including league championships in women's basketball, baseball, softball and gymnastics.
The deal will end the SEC's affiliation with Raycom Sports, which has aired basketball since 1986 and SEC football since 1992.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
In looking for a 9-11 video to share on this blog, I was shaken to the core by the comments left on good videos by obvious un-americans. It makes you wonder what the world is coming to.
We can not let the press, or a presidential campaign, or the internet, change our love of this country, respect for the office of President, or our trust in God.
We can not let the press, or a presidential campaign, or the internet, change our love of this country, respect for the office of President, or our trust in God.
Sirius XM stock dives on wider loss forecast, debt issues
Shares of Sirius XM Radio Inc. fell sharply on Wednesday after the satellite radio company forecast a wider loss and slower subscriber growth for 2008 than analysts expected.
The New York-based company, which completed its acquisition of rival XM in July, told analysts at a media conference Tuesday that it expects to post a $350 million adjusted loss from earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization in 2008.
How many of you in the radio business could continue in business with a $350 Milllion loss?
The New York-based company, which completed its acquisition of rival XM in July, told analysts at a media conference Tuesday that it expects to post a $350 million adjusted loss from earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization in 2008.
How many of you in the radio business could continue in business with a $350 Milllion loss?
Arkansas - Texas Game
A comment from a reader:
The Arkansas-Texas game has been postponed to Sept.27th due to Hurricane Ike.
I remember listening to Razorback games on the radio around the late 70's-early 80's,and the game was on
four stations in Little Rock.
KAAY,KLRA,KXLR,& KARN. The radio stations used to put out posters every week with the Razorback saying GO HOGS beat Texas,SMU,etc..
Around '88 or '89 the UofA copyrighted the Razorback name and logo.
The two stations in Little Rock that currently carry the Razorbacks are KABZ (1037 The Buzz)
& KARN. Another thing that has changed this season is that ISP Sports from North Carolina is in charge of the broadcasts of the games and coaches shows. KATV is still the flagship station for the Razorbacks.
The Arkansas-Texas game has been postponed to Sept.27th due to Hurricane Ike.
I remember listening to Razorback games on the radio around the late 70's-early 80's,and the game was on
four stations in Little Rock.
KAAY,KLRA,KXLR,& KARN. The radio stations used to put out posters every week with the Razorback saying GO HOGS beat Texas,SMU,etc..
Around '88 or '89 the UofA copyrighted the Razorback name and logo.
The two stations in Little Rock that currently carry the Razorbacks are KABZ (1037 The Buzz)
& KARN. Another thing that has changed this season is that ISP Sports from North Carolina is in charge of the broadcasts of the games and coaches shows. KATV is still the flagship station for the Razorbacks.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Nancy Jennings passed on Sept 10 Last Year
I think the best tribute to Nancy I can give is to reprint a comment to this blog from Nancy about her husband, George Jennings.
George was my husband,and we were married for 45 years. I have been an observer of the radio biz during all that time. Did any of you ever realize how many newsperson I met and fed over the years. George always called us the last of the white collar migrantory workers. When we were engaged the year of 1960-1961, I was at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Tx, my sweet husband was broadcasting at WRR in Dallas and he would sign off with Sinatra version of "Nancy with the Smiling Face". I bet you never knew what a romantic person he was. I was always surprised at his inventiveness to keep me guessing. One cold day in Arkansas, I walked into the house and my piano was covered with daffodils, just what I needed after a hard day at work. I knew Spring was near.
We raised two fine boys together, and they turned out to be very nice people. I don't know how I would make it now without my Dean. Dean is my spacecadet who is a computer nerd. He lives in Boise, Id. after 10 years of creative nagging, he finally gave me a granddaughter called Genevieve. She called George "Grumps" and she calls me
Most of all, I remember our "children" that George trained and raised. I always told him I would never work for him, so I don't understand how any of you worked for or with him. He just about drove me crazy. He worked 14 hours a day, and he let me do my own thing. I was never burden with pushing him in his career, he did that himself. All I had to do was raise the boys, and keep house, and make him good food. He loved my cooking. I had a few fans outside the immediate family, AJ and Jim, didn't I make a mean dish of Spaghetti and meatballs.
George and I have had many adventures and were never afraid of the future. God always seem to take care of us. We've had money and we've been broke, such is life.
Someday, before I get too old, I would like to sit down with a bunch of you people, and you entain me with your "war" stories. You gave George great joy and headaches over the years, but he always bragged how good each and everyone became. He was sooooo proud of all of you. I think he taught you backbone and to never be afraid. Go for it kids, there still a lot of spark in all of you. Also know, George is f#%(&ing laughing his ass off at you all now that he's in heaven and you're not.
Love Nancy
12:18 PM
George was my husband,and we were married for 45 years. I have been an observer of the radio biz during all that time. Did any of you ever realize how many newsperson I met and fed over the years. George always called us the last of the white collar migrantory workers. When we were engaged the year of 1960-1961, I was at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Tx, my sweet husband was broadcasting at WRR in Dallas and he would sign off with Sinatra version of "Nancy with the Smiling Face". I bet you never knew what a romantic person he was. I was always surprised at his inventiveness to keep me guessing. One cold day in Arkansas, I walked into the house and my piano was covered with daffodils, just what I needed after a hard day at work. I knew Spring was near.
We raised two fine boys together, and they turned out to be very nice people. I don't know how I would make it now without my Dean. Dean is my spacecadet who is a computer nerd. He lives in Boise, Id. after 10 years of creative nagging, he finally gave me a granddaughter called Genevieve. She called George "Grumps" and she calls me
Most of all, I remember our "children" that George trained and raised. I always told him I would never work for him, so I don't understand how any of you worked for or with him. He just about drove me crazy. He worked 14 hours a day, and he let me do my own thing. I was never burden with pushing him in his career, he did that himself. All I had to do was raise the boys, and keep house, and make him good food. He loved my cooking. I had a few fans outside the immediate family, AJ and Jim, didn't I make a mean dish of Spaghetti and meatballs.
George and I have had many adventures and were never afraid of the future. God always seem to take care of us. We've had money and we've been broke, such is life.
Someday, before I get too old, I would like to sit down with a bunch of you people, and you entain me with your "war" stories. You gave George great joy and headaches over the years, but he always bragged how good each and everyone became. He was sooooo proud of all of you. I think he taught you backbone and to never be afraid. Go for it kids, there still a lot of spark in all of you. Also know, George is f#%(&ing laughing his ass off at you all now that he's in heaven and you're not.
Love Nancy
12:18 PM
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Wooooo Pig Soooooooooie
On Saturday Sept.13th, an old rivalry in football will take place. Arkansas will travel to Austin to take on Texas.
For the 1972 Arkansas-Texas game there was a bet between KAAY and WOAI in San Antonio.
If Arkansas wins,WOAI will have to give KAAY 100 pounds of steak. If Texas wins,KAAY will have to give WOAI 100 pounds of pork.
There was a side bet between Wayne Moss and a DJ at WOAI. The one who lost the bet would have to work the winners airshift and treat them to a night on the town.
At the end of the spot it said you can listen to the game anywhere in the country on either KAAY or WOAI.
Does anyone remember who won that game in 1972?
Thanks for bringing this up.
Hot topic this week. The score for the game you asked about was:
1972 Texas 35, Arkansas 15 Austin
Now for all you history buffs here is the entire Arkansas-Texas series:
Arkansas-Texas series
Texas 55 wins, Arkansas 21
John C. Futrall
1894 Texas 54, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach D.A. McDaniel
1903 Texas 15, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach A.D. Brown
1905 Texas 4, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1906 Texas 11, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1907 Texas 26, Arkansas 6 Fayetteville
Coach Hugo Bezdek
1908 Texas 21, Arkansas 0 Austin
1911 Texas 12, Arkansas 0 Austin
1912 Texas 48, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach T.T. McConnell
1916 Texas 52, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach Norman Paine
1917 Texas 20, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach J.B. Craig
1919 Texas 35, Arkansas 7 Austin
Coach Francis Schmidt
1928 Texas 20, Arkansas 7 Austin
Coach Fred Thomsen
1929 Texas 27, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1932 Texas 34, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1933 Arkansas 20, Texas 6 Austin
1934 Texas 19, Arkansas 12 Austin
1935 Arkansas 28, Texas 13 Austin
1936 Arkansas 6, Texas 0 Little Rock
1937 Arkansas 21, Texas 10 Austin
1938 Arkansas 42, Texas 6 Little Rock
1939 Texas 14, Arkansas 13 Austin 1940 Texas 21, Arkansas 0 Little Rock
1941 Texas 48, Arkansas14 Austin
Coach George Cole
1942 Texas 47, Arkansas 6 Little Rock
Coach John Tomlin
1943 Texas 34, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach Glen Rose
1944 Texas 19, Arkansas 0 Little Rock
1945 Texas 34, Arkansas 7 Little Rock
Coach John Barnhill
1946 Texas 20, Arkansas 0 Austin
1947 Texas 21, Arkansas 6 Memphis
1948 Texas 14, Arkansas 6 Austin
1949 Texas 27, Arkansas 14 Little Rock
Coach Otis Douglas
1950 Texas 19, Arkansas 14 Austin
1951 Arkansas 16, Texas 14 Fayetteville
1952 Texas 44, Arkansas 7 Austin
Coach Bowden Wyatt
1953 Texas 16, Arkansas 7 Fayetteville
1954 Arkansas 20, Texas 7 Austin
Coach Jack Mitchell
1955 Arkansas 27, Texas 20 Little Rock 1956 Arkansas 32, Texas 14 Austin
1957 Texas 17, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
Coach Frank Broyles
1958 Texas 24, Arkansas 6 Fayetteville
1959 Texas 13, Arkansas 12 Little Rock
1960 Arkansas 24, Texas 23 Austin
1961 Texas 33, Arkansas 7 Fayetteville
1962 Texas 7, Arkansas 3 Austin
1963 Texas 17, Arkansas 13 Little Rock
1964 Arkansas 14, Texas 13 Austin
1965 Arkansas 27, Texas 24 Fayetteville
1966 Arkansas 12, Texas 7 Austin
1967 Texas 21, Arkansas 12 Little Rock
1968 Texas 39, Arkansas 29 Austin
1969 Texas 15, Arkansas 14 Fayetteville
1970 Texas 42, Arkansas 7 Austin
1971 Arkansas 31, Texas 7 Little Rock
1972 Texas 35, Arkansas 15 Austin
1973 Texas 34, Arkansas 6 Fayetteville
1974 Texas 38, Arkansas 7 Austin
1975 Texas 24, Arkansas 18 Fayetteville
1976 Texas 29, Arkansas 12 Austin
Coach Lou Holtz
1977 Texas 13, Arkansas 9, Fayetteville
1978 Texas 28, Arkansas 21 Austin
1979 Arkansas 17, Texas 14 Little Rock
1980 Texas 23, Arkansas 17 Austin
1981 Arkansas 42, Texas 11 Fayetteville
1982 Texas 33, Arkansas 7 Austin
1983 Texas 31, Arkansas 3 Little Rock
Coach Ken Hatfield
1984 Texas 24, Arkansas 18 Austin
1985 Texas 15, Arkansas 13 Fayetteville
1986 Arkansas 21, Texas 14 Austin
1987 Texas 16, Arkansas 14 Little Rock
1988 Arkansas 27, Texas 23 Austin
1989 Texas 24, Arkansas 20 Fayetteville
Coach Jack Crowe
1990 Texas 49, Arkansas 17 Austin
1991 Arkansas 14, Texas 13 Little Rock
Coach Houston Nutt
2000 Arkansas 27, Texas 6 Dallas (Cotton Bowl 2003 Arkansas 38, Texas 28 Austin
2004 Texas 22, Arkansas 20 Fayetteville
For the 1972 Arkansas-Texas game there was a bet between KAAY and WOAI in San Antonio.
If Arkansas wins,WOAI will have to give KAAY 100 pounds of steak. If Texas wins,KAAY will have to give WOAI 100 pounds of pork.
There was a side bet between Wayne Moss and a DJ at WOAI. The one who lost the bet would have to work the winners airshift and treat them to a night on the town.
At the end of the spot it said you can listen to the game anywhere in the country on either KAAY or WOAI.
Does anyone remember who won that game in 1972?
Thanks for bringing this up.
Hot topic this week. The score for the game you asked about was:
1972 Texas 35, Arkansas 15 Austin
Now for all you history buffs here is the entire Arkansas-Texas series:
Arkansas-Texas series
Texas 55 wins, Arkansas 21
John C. Futrall
1894 Texas 54, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach D.A. McDaniel
1903 Texas 15, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach A.D. Brown
1905 Texas 4, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1906 Texas 11, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1907 Texas 26, Arkansas 6 Fayetteville
Coach Hugo Bezdek
1908 Texas 21, Arkansas 0 Austin
1911 Texas 12, Arkansas 0 Austin
1912 Texas 48, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach T.T. McConnell
1916 Texas 52, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach Norman Paine
1917 Texas 20, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach J.B. Craig
1919 Texas 35, Arkansas 7 Austin
Coach Francis Schmidt
1928 Texas 20, Arkansas 7 Austin
Coach Fred Thomsen
1929 Texas 27, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1932 Texas 34, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
1933 Arkansas 20, Texas 6 Austin
1934 Texas 19, Arkansas 12 Austin
1935 Arkansas 28, Texas 13 Austin
1936 Arkansas 6, Texas 0 Little Rock
1937 Arkansas 21, Texas 10 Austin
1938 Arkansas 42, Texas 6 Little Rock
1939 Texas 14, Arkansas 13 Austin 1940 Texas 21, Arkansas 0 Little Rock
1941 Texas 48, Arkansas14 Austin
Coach George Cole
1942 Texas 47, Arkansas 6 Little Rock
Coach John Tomlin
1943 Texas 34, Arkansas 0 Austin
Coach Glen Rose
1944 Texas 19, Arkansas 0 Little Rock
1945 Texas 34, Arkansas 7 Little Rock
Coach John Barnhill
1946 Texas 20, Arkansas 0 Austin
1947 Texas 21, Arkansas 6 Memphis
1948 Texas 14, Arkansas 6 Austin
1949 Texas 27, Arkansas 14 Little Rock
Coach Otis Douglas
1950 Texas 19, Arkansas 14 Austin
1951 Arkansas 16, Texas 14 Fayetteville
1952 Texas 44, Arkansas 7 Austin
Coach Bowden Wyatt
1953 Texas 16, Arkansas 7 Fayetteville
1954 Arkansas 20, Texas 7 Austin
Coach Jack Mitchell
1955 Arkansas 27, Texas 20 Little Rock 1956 Arkansas 32, Texas 14 Austin
1957 Texas 17, Arkansas 0 Fayetteville
Coach Frank Broyles
1958 Texas 24, Arkansas 6 Fayetteville
1959 Texas 13, Arkansas 12 Little Rock
1960 Arkansas 24, Texas 23 Austin
1961 Texas 33, Arkansas 7 Fayetteville
1962 Texas 7, Arkansas 3 Austin
1963 Texas 17, Arkansas 13 Little Rock
1964 Arkansas 14, Texas 13 Austin
1965 Arkansas 27, Texas 24 Fayetteville
1966 Arkansas 12, Texas 7 Austin
1967 Texas 21, Arkansas 12 Little Rock
1968 Texas 39, Arkansas 29 Austin
1969 Texas 15, Arkansas 14 Fayetteville
1970 Texas 42, Arkansas 7 Austin
1971 Arkansas 31, Texas 7 Little Rock
1972 Texas 35, Arkansas 15 Austin
1973 Texas 34, Arkansas 6 Fayetteville
1974 Texas 38, Arkansas 7 Austin
1975 Texas 24, Arkansas 18 Fayetteville
1976 Texas 29, Arkansas 12 Austin
Coach Lou Holtz
1977 Texas 13, Arkansas 9, Fayetteville
1978 Texas 28, Arkansas 21 Austin
1979 Arkansas 17, Texas 14 Little Rock
1980 Texas 23, Arkansas 17 Austin
1981 Arkansas 42, Texas 11 Fayetteville
1982 Texas 33, Arkansas 7 Austin
1983 Texas 31, Arkansas 3 Little Rock
Coach Ken Hatfield
1984 Texas 24, Arkansas 18 Austin
1985 Texas 15, Arkansas 13 Fayetteville
1986 Arkansas 21, Texas 14 Austin
1987 Texas 16, Arkansas 14 Little Rock
1988 Arkansas 27, Texas 23 Austin
1989 Texas 24, Arkansas 20 Fayetteville
Coach Jack Crowe
1990 Texas 49, Arkansas 17 Austin
1991 Arkansas 14, Texas 13 Little Rock
Coach Houston Nutt
2000 Arkansas 27, Texas 6 Dallas (Cotton Bowl 2003 Arkansas 38, Texas 28 Austin
2004 Texas 22, Arkansas 20 Fayetteville
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Ronnie Milsap was almost a Sell Out
Ronnie Milsap was almost a sell out in Alma last night even though the Razorbacks were playing in Little Rock and it was on pay for view.
It was a great show. I've seen him twice in this area. Both times he was LOUD. And I like it loud.
For those of you who missed the show here's a Ronnie Milsap song:
It was a great show. I've seen him twice in this area. Both times he was LOUD. And I like it loud.
For those of you who missed the show here's a Ronnie Milsap song:
Friday, September 05, 2008
Ronnie Milsap to Appear in Alma AR
I can remember taking a road trip with Tommy Riggs a/k/a Rock Robbins, to hear Ronnie in Memphis. At that time he was doing R & B and a great entertainer.
Ronnie appears in Alma Saturday night at the Alma Performing Arts Center.
The hurricane has pasted. We had some flooding in Fort Smith but it only lasted a couple of days. Lots of wind and rain.
The sun is out and refugees from New Orleans that were at Fort Chaffee are heading back to New Orleans.
Ronnie appears in Alma Saturday night at the Alma Performing Arts Center.
The hurricane has pasted. We had some flooding in Fort Smith but it only lasted a couple of days. Lots of wind and rain.
The sun is out and refugees from New Orleans that were at Fort Chaffee are heading back to New Orleans.
KHJ featured on XM Radio
Sonic Sound Salutes
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Sonic Sound Salutes the great 60's radio stations from across America. KHJ Los Angeles, CA 93 KHJ, Boss Radio Home of the Reel Don Steele, Humble Harve, Robert W. Morgan, The Big Kahuna. The station that took LA by storm in 1965. Catch Humble Harv?s Boss 30 Countdown Wednesday nights, on 93 KHJ.
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Sonic Sound Salutes the great 60's radio stations from across America. KHJ Los Angeles, CA 93 KHJ, Boss Radio Home of the Reel Don Steele, Humble Harve, Robert W. Morgan, The Big Kahuna. The station that took LA by storm in 1965. Catch Humble Harv?s Boss 30 Countdown Wednesday nights, on 93 KHJ.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
We have to mention on the blog that Sept. 3rd is the 46th birthday of KAAY
I had planned to do a video for the occasion....and still will. We are getting what is left of hurricane Gustav or whatever it's name is. Consequently I have been very busy getting projects done that have a "have to" rating.
It's hard to believe that 46 years ago today, The Baby Elephant Walk was being played over and over along with the DJs taking turns reading the Little Rock phone book and announcing current songs but the Baby Elephant Walk is all that played.
To see the original jocks and what songs would have been announced go to:
http://kaay1090.blogspot.com/2006/09/another-kaay-silver-dollar-survey.htmlDouble click on the survey to read it clearly.
Notice the date on the survey is just a couple of weeks after the sign on broadcast.
Much is owed that original staff. They set the standard that KAAY was to live up to.
I had planned to do a video for the occasion....and still will. We are getting what is left of hurricane Gustav or whatever it's name is. Consequently I have been very busy getting projects done that have a "have to" rating.
It's hard to believe that 46 years ago today, The Baby Elephant Walk was being played over and over along with the DJs taking turns reading the Little Rock phone book and announcing current songs but the Baby Elephant Walk is all that played.
To see the original jocks and what songs would have been announced go to:
http://kaay1090.blogspot.com/2006/09/another-kaay-silver-dollar-survey.htmlDouble click on the survey to read it clearly.
Notice the date on the survey is just a couple of weeks after the sign on broadcast.
Much is owed that original staff. They set the standard that KAAY was to live up to.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Tommy Riggs a/k/a Rock Robbins
I've written extensively about Tommy on this blog. I try not to repeat myself. Understand that Tommy worked for me at three different stations, KXLR, KAAY, and KCLA. All those times Tommy alternated with his fascination for live performing and bands.
The longest he worked in radio I believe is when he came to Pine Bluff and worked for me as Program Director and when I went to Kansas City to manage a station Tommy was promoted to manager. It wasn't long to the lure of week long or even month long engagements at clubs lured him away from radio.
An interesting snip it from the Stax Records page. Scroll down about three quarters, and start reading with Charlie Oakle.:http://staxrecords.free.fr/news.htm
The longest he worked in radio I believe is when he came to Pine Bluff and worked for me as Program Director and when I went to Kansas City to manage a station Tommy was promoted to manager. It wasn't long to the lure of week long or even month long engagements at clubs lured him away from radio.
An interesting snip it from the Stax Records page. Scroll down about three quarters, and start reading with Charlie Oakle.:http://staxrecords.free.fr/news.htm
Monday, September 01, 2008
Comment on post below
Gazmik has left a new comment on your post "George J. Jennings Link":
I've always liked the old time radio shows! I still listen to some old X Minus 1, Dimension X, Lights Out and Box 13. I always tried to stay awake to listen to Beaker Theater.
Of course, I'm also a big fan of the old black and white sci-fi movies
I've always liked the old time radio shows! I still listen to some old X Minus 1, Dimension X, Lights Out and Box 13. I always tried to stay awake to listen to Beaker Theater.
Of course, I'm also a big fan of the old black and white sci-fi movies
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