I have written of KOTN, Buddy Deane and my Pine Bluff, AR connections in previous blogs. If you arrived here recently and are interested in these subjects just type in the "word" in the upper left search box and search this blog.
In the entry below Paul Perdue mentions a Pine Bluff Postcard site. This site is quite extensive and any one interested in Pine Bluff will enjoy searching the scenes.
There are two postcards from KOTN I would like to feature here. The first is a reception verification card that is very old. I don't have the date on the card, but it was when LOTN was only 100 Watts on 1500 KC. In modern times it was 1000 Watts on 1490 KC.
The second Card is a studio shot probably when they were in the Simmons Bank building.
Enjoy all the cards at:http://www.pinebluffpostcards.com/
Double click on the photos for larger views.
I was surprised to hear a couple of weeks ago when XM was airing an old American Top 40 episode from the mid-70s on its 70s channel, Kasey Kasem mention KOTN. It was in his regular segment mentioning that AT40 is heard around the world on "great radio stations like..." and one of the three or four affiliates he mentioned then was KOTN, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Pretty cool to hear those call letters mentioned!
I grew up in Pine Bluff in the 50's and 60's it was probably the best town in Arkansas to have been living in as a young person growing up. I always listened to KOTN (long before FM). I knew Steve Warren well as I graduated high school with him (60's DJ). I can still remember calling him and requesting "GO NOW" by the Moody Blues in 1965 for my girl friend and I. I live in Kansas now an I attended the Kansas State Fair in 1987 a DJ from my past was there, he was working for FM 105.3 in Wichita. I recognized him right off it was "Mike Miller/Mother Miller" very few were as good as Mike. I have no idea where he is now. I knew Mr. Buddy Dean and his family he was a fine man and was a plus to radio and radio broadcasting. Those days were the best days of my life thus far @ 61 years and KOTN and Pine Bluff was the greatest.
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