Saturday, September 08, 2007

KAAY Comments

vdog has left a new comment on your post "More KAAY Jingles":

I listened to a lot of the old audio when Barry did Radio Yesterday. There are some 60's audio pieces, I guess about 2/3
of the audio Barry has date to the
early to mid 70's.
Hopefully he will put some more on the blog.
Next, I would like to comment on the Cottondale building. It is the
current home of The Point 94.1 (a
classic rock station) & 103.7 The
Buzz ( a sports talk station).
I mention this because 2400 Cottondale was once home to KAAY.
The Point & The Buzz are the last locally owned radio stations in Little Rock. They are in the process of designing a new building on Huron Lane, after they
move their will no longer be a radio station in that building.


Sean said...

I remember both KAAY buildings - the one on 7th Street across from the state capitol (it was a couple of blocks from my dad's office at Meyer's Bakery); and the big move down to 2400 Cottondale Lane. My parents were friends Pat Walsh's, and I would see Pat and the kids out at Maumelle's pool on the weekends.

I don't think that I ever met you, but did meet Sonny & George, and a few others. I'll remember the names...

Sean said...

I remember at least 2 of the KAAY studios - the one on 7th Street across from the State Capital (it was a couple of blocks from my dad's office at Meyer's Bakery) and of course 2400 Cottondale Lane. I remember the big move down to the river - I think either my mom worked there for a minute, or we were just helping out. My parents were friends with Pat Walsh, and I also remember C. David Hamilton too. For a LONG time, KAAY (and KLPQ/KQ94 eventually) was the only thing out there in Riverdale after the country club moved to what is now Pleasant Valley. Just on the other side of the railroad tracks - the Razorback Drive In. Those were the days.