Thursday, April 06, 2006

KAAY is often remembered for the music. As many radio people listen to the old air checks they always remark about the music policy. The music was not KAAY's strength. It was the unique combination of music, news, contests, promos, jingles, DJs, and commercials. In those days a broadcast hour usually contained far less that 30 minutes of music. Never were two songs segued together. Our highest rated hours often contained more that 18 commercial minutes.
News was a critical part of KAAY. There was always a news director and a newsman. The original format called for the five minute newscast to be "1st at 45". Bannerlines were at :15. Later I will be posting a sample newscast, but today is the news intro jingle without the big into voice of Tom Perryman. A lot of people never understood the expression "COMEX News". COMEX was an abrivation for Communications Exchange, the name for the newsroom. It's just the singers and music, so jump in there and be newsman of the day as you listen to:

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