Tuesday, July 04, 2006

KAAY & The KTHV Building

In the beginning KAAY, was located in the KTHV Building at 8th and Izard, Little Rock, AR. Lin Broadcasting bought the radio affiliate of KTHV and rented space in the building. This offered a great opportunity for fun with other broadcasters in the same building but not employed by the station. It was a great source of additional voices for free when needed.

As I remember, there was a bookie named Raymond who had several clients in the KTHV building. One day Raymond was arrested on the sidewalk near the Blue Goose. The ever alert news department rushed outside to film the event. Yes, in those days it was film that had to be developed and edited. Raymond was not too happy to see some of his clients capturing his demise and putting it on television.

The news department of KAAY ignored the story. After all, Raymond was a good contact.

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