Friday, November 16, 2007

The raccoons just won't go away

Well at least Arkansas may be off the hook. Today, Friday at 4 PM central time, ABC Radio News reported the nail gun-raccoon story. (Scroll down to read the whole story). Not only were they several days late but they credited the event to Huntsville ALABAMA. Thanks ABC for taking the spotlight off Arkansas. I doubt if the good citizens of Huntsville Alabama will appreciate this story attributed to them. Notice in the original AP story Arkansas is abbreviated "Ark" the old 3 letter abbreviation. Now I am wondering whose right AP or ABC? I know some of my readers are research inclined, so do me a favor. Since I am observing the writer's strike, do some research and email me the real story:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When writing, I often use the old-school abbreviations (Ark., Ala., Miss., et al) just because I like how it looks instead of the sterile AR, AL, MS.

BUT, since I like my outgoing mail to get to point B without delay, I put the two-letter kind on the envelope. Anything to help, I suppose.

My .02,
Russell in Savannah, GA/Ga. (where after dark the raccoons come out en masse outside the station)