Thursday, June 26, 2008

Closing Jingle for WKRP

Watch all this stuff quick before it gets removed from You Tube:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll be! TWO mysterious songs revealed: one being "Louie, Louie" and the other, the closing jingle for WKRP! I'll bet the FBI, CIA, NSA and others are scrambling for another song to target, eh?

On a serious note, I just found WKRP being rebroadcast on WGN this past Sunday night at 6PM Central, two episodes back-to-back...unfortunately, that's when I'm at "paw paw's" house, and he doesn't get WGN, so I'll have to record it!

I liked that show from the beginning...and being the radio nut I am, it was all the funnier! Thanks for posting that link, A. J., as well as the full version of the opening song...keep 'em coming! Bud, Mobile, AL