Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another complete KAAY Ear On Arkansas 10-12-69

Thanks again to Russell Wells from Georgia, for 2 complete Ear On Arkansas episodes. As always you are encouraged to save these or any of the material from this blog. In fact, that is the purpose to share as much of the KAAY history as possible. If any of you readers have any recordings, photographs, MUSIC SURVEYS, or other KAAY material, please contact me at I can transfer any thing from reel to reel tape, broadcast cartridges, cassette, record, etc. to digital and return it to you with complete safety.

Here is Ear On Arkansas for 10-24-69:

On Aug 9th this blog had a record download of 120. I thought that was from the fall jingle but thinking about it that was not it, because the fall jingle was hosted by a website. This 120 came from PodOMatic and I am at a loss as to why so many PodOMatic downloads on that date. The hits on the blog that day were not that high. It would be bloggers downloading multiple files or outside hits coming to the podcasts from Itunes or other podcast searches.

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