Thursday, October 30, 2008

More Picture comment

One other comment on the timing of the picture:

I used to listen to Richard on my car radio (as best I could) doing news at WMPS in the afternoon. He and I would talk and he wanted me to advise on possible opportunities to return to KAAY. When he came back in news he was working with Bruce Jenkins. Bruce, according to Richard, was very upset when he jumped over to the Buddy Karr thing. Also Richard had gone to a new barber who gave him that terrible very close haircut he was seen with in the picture. Richard said he need to avoid B. Bruce who called him "The Bald Headed Benedict Arnold"
Great memory Jerry, thanks.
THis must have been during the period of time when Goerge J. Jennings went north to WDGY before returning.

It's always amazing to me how many of us returned to KAAY for two tours of duty.
Too bad we can't go home again.

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