Saturday, December 06, 2008

More Cuban Missile Crisis

A.J., I'm not familiar with international regulations or U.S. law regarding the use of stations for propaganda, but I think it would have been an honor to broadcast on the side of freedom.

During WW II, our Ham radio frequencies were "requesitioned" for the usage for the war effort (and other reasons, I'm sure), but were returned for our usage after the war was over. Many Ham radio operators went into the services as radio operators and practiced their craft for the military.

I'd have to do some research as to if standard broadcast stations were restricted, as well, but I don't think they were. Needless to say, this would be an interesting walk down radio history! Bud, Mobile, AL
You are on the same channel as most of us at KAAY at the time.
There was not as much distrust of the government as there is today. Also, those of us in the middle of it, realized the Cuban Missile Crisis could have easily been the start of nuclear war.

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